How To Pursue Modifications to Custody Orders in California

The terms placed in a custody order may be functional and appropriate at the time of the final decision. It is understandable; however, that things change and parents may want to pursue a change to the orders. This is even more so the case when it comes to children, as they grow up their needs and wants change. Parenting plans may need to be altered according to these changes and also any change in the lives of the parents. In order to be able to pursue a custody modification there must have been a significant 'change in circumstances' since the order was made. The change must impact the child and be significant to where the judge would need to re-evaluate the best interest of the child. If you are looking to pursue a modification, the steps necessary include:

  1. Filling out forms required by the court
  2. Having the forms reviewed and making copies
  3. Filing the forms with the clerk
  4. Obtain a court date
  5. Serve papers to the other parent (through an outside party)
  6. File a proof of service that the other parent was served the papers
  7. Attend the court hearing

It may be ordered throughout this process that you must attempt mediation or attend some sort of orientation. Before even pursuing a modification, make sure you have evidence and documentation to help support your case. The stronger your argument is, the more likely you are to be successful in receiving a modification. For assistance in this process, team up with a family law attorney from the Law Offices of Makupson & Howard. We have been assisting the residents of Pasadena in their family law and divorce cases for more than 30 years and we can help you as well. Contact our firm today to schedule your case evaluation and get started in pursuing a custody modification.

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